Rare Totem Pole Cactus: Everything You Need to Know for Thriving Growth
Now, let me tell ya ‘bout this funny lookin’ cactus they call the totem pole cactus. You probably ain’t seen it ‘round every day, and there’s a reason for that. This cactus only grows in a few places down Mexico way and over in California. Yep, it’s special like that, rare as hen’s teeth! This totem pole cactus, or what them science folks call Cereus Repandus, grows up nice and tall like one of them totem poles ya might see in pictures, which is probably why they call it that.
Now, if ya got one of these in the yard, you’re in for a slow-growin’ kind of plant. This cactus takes its sweet time, lemme tell ya, sometimes takin’ years and years just to get up to about 10 to 12 feet tall. So, if you want it all grown up, you’ll need some patience. But once it gets goin’, it don’t really stop. That’s the funny thing with it – grows up all tall and skinny, not like some of them bushy plants folks like in their gardens.

One good thing ‘bout this here cactus is, it’s easy to take care of. You don’t have to fuss with it much, and bugs don’t seem to bother it neither. As long as you don’t go drownin’ it with too much water, it’ll do just fine. Just water it every now and then – not too much, mind you – since these things come from places where they hardly get rain. So, ya don’t want to be treatin’ it like your flowers and such.
When it comes to sunlight, though, this cactus sure does love itself a good dose. It’s got a real appetite for full sun and direct light. If you’re growin’ it inside, it might need somethin’ called a grow light – basically just a fancy light that gives plants the sunshine they can’t get indoors. Give it that light, and it’ll be happier than a pig in mud.
Funny thing is, even though this cactus ain’t the prettiest plant around, people still like to have it. Guess it’s ‘cause of its unique look. It don’t have no sharp spines pokin’ out everywhere like most other cactuses do, so it looks kinda smooth. Some folks even say it’s like an old fella’s wrinkled up skin or somethin’ – all bumpy and twisted up like that. I dunno ‘bout you, but I think that’s kinda neat.
Another thing, if you’re thinkin’ of startin’ a totem pole cactus of your own, it ain’t too hard to get it goin’. You just take a piece off an old one (they call it a “cutting”) and stick it in some dirt that drains real well. No need for fancy soils or whatnot, just somethin’ where the water don’t sit there for too long. Then, you wait. It’ll start growin’ roots all on its own, and before you know it, you got yourself a new cactus comin’ up.
Now, one thing folks always ask is, “Can I bring it inside?” Well sure, you can, just make sure it gets enough light. If you ain’t got no sunny window, that’s where that grow light comes in handy. It’ll help the cactus think it’s still out there baskin’ in the sun, even when it’s indoors. And don’t go waterin’ it like a regular plant neither – once a month or so is all it needs. Just give it a little sip to keep it happy.

In the end, the totem pole cactus might not be for everyone, but if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ unique and easy to care for, it might just be the plant for ya. It’s tough, don’t need much, and looks like nothin’ else you’d see in most folks’ gardens. Just give it some space, a lot of sun, and a bit of water now and then, and you’ll have a conversation starter sittin’ in your garden or your home for years to come!
Tags:[totem pole cactus, Cereus Repandus, cactus care, full sun plants, unique cacti]
Original article by the Author:yixunnet,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.suntrekenergy.com/85.html