Need Help with Tarot Reversals? Check out the complete book of tarot reversals, learn it fast!
Okay, so I’ve been digging into this book called “The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals,” and let me tell you, it’s been a trip. I’ve always been a bit curious about tarot, but I never really got into the whole reversals thing. I mean, the cards are complicated enough on their own, right?
But I stumbled upon this book, and I thought, “Why not?” So, I grabbed my trusty old tarot deck, the one I’ve had for years, and started reading.

Getting Started
First off, I refreshed my memory on the basic meanings of each card. You know, just the upright meanings. I flipped through my deck, reading the little booklet that came with it and some notes I’d taken a while back. It was like saying hello to old friends.
Diving into Reversals
Then came the fun part. I started reading about what it means when a card shows up reversed. This book, it breaks down each card, one by one, and explains the different ways a reversed card can be interpreted. It’s not just about the opposite of the upright meaning. Sometimes it’s about a blockage, or an internal struggle, or even a hidden aspect of the situation.
Practice Time
Of course, I had to try it out. I shuffled my deck, thinking about a specific question I had. It was about a project I’m working on, and I was feeling a bit stuck. I pulled three cards, just a simple past, present, future spread. And guess what? Two of them were reversed!
- The first one, the past card, was The Star reversed. According to the book, this could mean I was feeling a lack of inspiration or hope. Which, yeah, that was pretty spot on.
- The present card was The World, upright. That one felt good, it felt like things are in alignment, I am on the right path.
- The future card, though, that was The Lovers reversed. This might point to some difficult choices to make, or maybe some internal conflict about the direction of the project.
Putting it Together
I spent some time journaling about these cards and their meanings, both upright and reversed. I tried to connect them to my current situation and see what insights I could gain. It was actually pretty eye-opening. The reversed cards highlighted some underlying issues I hadn’t really acknowledged before. It’s still unclear what choice I need to make, but I’m glad I did this reading.
Still Learning
I’m still working my way through the book, and I’m definitely still learning. But I feel like I’m getting a better grasp on this whole reversals thing. It adds a whole new layer of depth to tarot readings, and I’m excited to keep exploring it. So, yeah, that’s my little journey into the world of tarot reversals so far. It’s been interesting, to say the least, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing more readings like this in the future. I’ll probably do another reading tomorrow morning to see how it goes.

Original article by the Author:Colin,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly: