Can I run Pi-hole on Dream Machine? Yes, and its simpler than you think!
So, I heard you wanna run Pi-hole on Dream Machine. Well, I ain’t no computer whiz, but I’ve heard a thing or two about this here Pi-hole thingamajig. Seems like it’s s’posed to block all them pesky ads on the internet. Sounds good to me! Less of them flashing lights and whatnot, I say.
Now, this Dream Machine, that’s one of them fancy routers, right? Big white box, sits there blinkin’ its lights. I seen ’em before. My neighbor, he’s got one. Says it makes the internet faster or somethin’.

Alright, so, you want to put this Pi-hole thing on your Dream Machine. I reckon it ain’t too hard. These young folks, they make it sound complicated, but really, it’s just followin’ steps. Like bakin’ a pie, but with more wires and buttons.
First, you gotta have this Pi-hole thing. Now, where you get that? I think you gotta download it from the internet. Yep, get it from the big ol’ internet, put it on your computer. They say it’s like a little program. Don’t ask me how it works, it just does. Magic, I guess!
Then, I think you gotta tell your Dream Machine about this Pi-hole. You gotta go into the Dream Machine’s settings. You know, like when you gotta change the password for your wifi. It’s somewhere in there, all them numbers and words. Look for somethin’ called “network” and then maybe somethin’ called “advanced options”. That’s where the tricky stuff hides, I bet.
They say you can run it with this thing called Docker, whatever that is. Sounds like a fella who works down at the docks. And somethin’ about a static IP address? Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. Just numbers, lots of numbers. Like a phone number, but longer. You might see something like, looks like that.
Now, some folks, they talk about puttin’ this Pi-hole on a separate network. Like buildin’ a fence around it. Keeps it safe, they say. Keeps it from messin’ with the other stuff on your Dream Machine. That sounds smart to me. Don’t want nothin’ breakin’ because of some silly ads.

I heard some chatter about somethin’ called Tailscale too, and this Pi-hole. Seems like you need to tell it, “don’t accept DNS”. And then you gotta go to Pi-hole’s settings and tell it “permit all origins”. You know, these young folks like to make names that are hard to remember and understand.
Oh, and I seen somethin’ about some versions not workin’ with other versions. Like tryin’ to put a square peg in a round hole. Just make sure you got the right ones, I guess. There’s somethin’ called “release notes.” Read them, if you can understand ’em. Says somethin’ about “nspawn-container” if you got version 3.x. If you got somethin’ like 2.3.9, well, then you gotta figure out a different way. Always somethin’, ain’t there?
Once you get all that done, how do you know if it’s workin’? Well, there’s a way to check. You go to this website, they say it’s called “*.” If it loads up, then the Pi-hole thing is workin’. If it don’t, then somethin’s wrong. Or you can try another one, somethin’ called “googleads.*.” If that one don’t load, then the Pi-hole is doin’ its job.
Here’s a few more things I picked up, just random bits and pieces:
- Deploy Pi-hole on your home network. That just means puttin’ it on your internet, I think.
- Run Pi-hole on your UDM with a completely isolated network stack. That’s that fence I was talkin’ about.
- This will not port conflict or be influenced by any changes on by Ubiquiti. Sounds important. Like sayin’ it won’t get in a fight with your Dream Machine.
- Persists through reboots. Means it keeps workin’ even if you turn the Dream Machine off and on again.
So, there you have it. That’s about all I know about this run Pi-hole on Dream Machine business. It ain’t as hard as it sounds, just gotta follow the steps. And if you get stuck, well, there’s always some young whippersnapper who knows about these things. Just don’t let ’em talk too fast, or you’ll get lost in all them fancy words.

Hope this helps you get rid of them pesky ads. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got some chores to do. And maybe I’ll see if that neighbor of mine can help me set up one of these Pi-hole things on my own computer. Wouldn’t that be somethin’?!
Original article by the Author:yixunnet,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly: