Well, lemme tell ya, this whole tarot thing, it’s a bit like plantin’ seeds. You gotta know what you’re plantin’ and when to water ’em. This sun and moon tarot, it’s like that. They’re big cards, important ones, like the sun and the moon in the sky, ya know? You see them every day. They guide us, the farmer and the crops.
When you see that sun card in your tarot readin’, it’s usually a good sign. Like a sunny day after a long rain. It means things are gonna be alright, like when the sun comes out and dries up all the mud. It’s a happy card, full of good stuff, you know. A good harvest, a new baby, good health, like that. I remember one time, when my Bessie was expectin’, we pulled that sun card. And sure enough, little Timmy was born healthy as a horse.

Now, that moon card, that’s a different story. It’s a bit more mysterious, like the moon hidin’ behind the clouds. You can’t always see what’s goin’ on. Sometimes it means you gotta look closer, pay attention to your gut, you know? Like when the cows get restless before a storm. They know somethin’s comin’, even if you can’t see it yet.
And listen, the moon tarot can also mean you’re not seein’ things right. Like you’re walkin’ in the dark. You might be confused about somethin’, or someone might be hidin’ somethin’ from ya. Like that time ol’ man Jeb tried to sell me that three-legged goat, said it was a special breed! I had a feelin’ in my gut somethin’ wasn’t right. That’s what the moon card is tellin’ ya, to trust your gut.
Now, when you put them together, sun and moon tarot together in a readin’, well, that’s somethin’ else. It’s like day and night, two sides of the same coin. It’s like the good luck of the sun combined with the mystery of the moon.
They say it means big changes. That is the sun and moon tarot meaning, change. Like when you gotta tear down the old barn to build a new one. It’s hard work, and it might be a little scary, but it’s gotta be done. You get rid of the old to make way for the new. That is what the cards mean.
Some folks use these cards to figure out their jobs. Like, if you’re gonna plant corn or beans this year. The sun and moon tarot cards might give ya a hint, they say. But honest, I think you just gotta do what’s right for you, use your own head. My pappy always said, “The cards might show ya the path, but you still gotta walk it.”

- Sun Tarot: Good times, happiness, good health, new baby, good job.
- Moon Tarot: Somethin’ hidden, gotta use your gut, somethin’ you can’t see, maybe someone trickin’ you.
- Sun and Moon Tarot together: Big changes, gettin’ rid of the old, makin’ way for the new.
This tarot is tricky. Some folks also say this moon card can be about your head, your thinkin’. Like if you’re feelin’ down or worried about somethin’. It’s like a cloudy day in your mind. It is not good. If you are not well, you need to take care of yourself. Just like you take care of the cows when they are sick. You need a doctor maybe.
There’s this other card, too. They call it “The Lovers” or somethin’. That one, they say, is about love and pickin’ a partner. Like when you’re decidin’ which bull to buy for your cows. You want a good one, strong and healthy, that’ll give you good calves. It’s a big decision, just like pickin’ a husband or wife! The lovers tarot is important.
And about the job, well, these tarot cards, they might give ya some ideas, but they ain’t gonna do the work for ya. You still gotta plant the seeds, pull the weeds, and harvest the crops. Ain’t no magic card that’s gonna do that for ya. You gotta work hard, that’s what my pappy always said.
Don’t be fooled into thinking these sun and moon tarot cards are gonna tell you everything you need to know. That’s not how the world works. You have to make an effort. You have to do your research. You need to make a plan. You gotta look for work if you want work. You gotta go to the market if you want to sell your crops.
I remember this one time, young Billy, he wanted to be a blacksmith. He kept pullin’ that sun card, thought it meant he was gonna be the best blacksmith in the county. But he never lifted a hammer! Just sat around waitin’ for good luck to fall in his lap. Well, it ain’t gonna happen that way. You gotta learn the trade, you gotta practice, you gotta work hard. That’s what it takes to be a good blacksmith, or anything else, for that matter.

So, these sun and moon tarot cards, they’re interestin’, I’ll give ya that. They might give ya somethin’ to think about. But don’t go relyin’ on ’em too much. Use your own head, trust your gut, and work hard. That’s the best way to get what you want in this life. That’s what my pappy always said, and he was a wise old man.
Original article by the Author:Simo,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.suntrekenergy.com/4744.html