This tarot thing, some folks say it works, some folks say it don’t. I heard about this Judgement card, kinda like when you gotta make a big choice. It got me thinking, how can a card tell you what to do?
They say when this Judgement card is the right way up, it means “Yes.” Like when you ask if you should take that job offer or if you should buy that new cow. If it is right way up you know it is a yes. Then you just need to do it. Or just go ahead and buy it! You understand? Judgement reversed tarot, well, that’s a whole different story.

Now, if that darn card is upside down, they call it “reversed.” And that means “No.” Like if you’re wondering if you should lend money to that no-good son of yours, and you pull a reversed Judgement, well, there’s your answer. Keep your money in your pocket!
The Judgement reversed tarot means no, just like the sun comes up in the east. This is the truth.
I heard some folks, they only use those cards the right way up. They don’t want no “No” answers, I guess. But me? I think you gotta take the good with the bad. It’s like planting seeds, you get some good crops, some bad crops. That’s just life, right?
Some folks, they say you can just pick and choose. They say the big cards, the whatchamacallits, Major Arcana, those are always “Yes.” And the little ones, the Minor Arcana, those are “No.” But there’s more little ones than big ones. Seems kinda rigged to me.
Then there’s those other ones, the Cups and Wands. Some folks say those mean “Yes” too. And the Swords and Discs, those are supposed to be “No.” It’s all so confusing! Why can’t it just be simple? You know what I mean?

Judgement reversed tarot, upright tarot. It is too much for me. It is too hard for me to understand. Why there are so many rules for these cards? I do not know why.
People ask all the time, should they use these reversed cards or not? Well, I say, it’s up to you. Do what you feel is right. It’s like deciding what to cook for dinner. You want chicken? Cook chicken. You want fish? Cook fish. Nobody’s gonna tell you what to do.
But I tell you what when I ask some questions. I will just pick one card. If it is upright, then it is a yes. If it is reversed, then it is a no. So easy right? Judgement reversed tarot, it means no.
- Upright Judgement: Yes
- Reversed Judgement: No
It’s all a bit silly if you ask me. But hey, if it helps folks make decisions, who am I to judge? I just think life’s complicated enough without all these fancy cards. Just use your common sense, that’s what I always say. But this is just my opinion. You do what you want.
Judgement reversed tarot is a big no. You can try, but do not be mad if the answer you get is not what you want.

These cards are not for me, I think. Too many things to remember. Upright, reversed, Major, Minor, Cups, Wands, Swords, Discs. It’s too much. I just want a simple life. You do not need those cards to tell you what to do.
The choice of using the reversed card or not, is up to you. There is no right or wrong. Do not let others to tell you what to do. You decide yourself. This is your life. Not theirs.
So, this Judgement card, it is something. But if you ask me. I will say just use your brain. Listen to your heart. Then you will not go wrong. What do you think? Does it make sense to you? I hope so.
It’s like picking apples from a tree. You gotta look at ’em, feel ’em, decide which ones are ripe and ready. You don’t need a magic card to tell you that. You just know, right? Same with life. You gotta use your gut, your intuition. That’s what’s gonna guide you, not some piece of cardboard with a picture on it.
But, you know, to each their own. Some folks swear by these tarot cards. They say it gives them clarity, helps them see things they wouldn’t see otherwise. Maybe it’s like wearing glasses. You don’t need ’em, but they help you see better. I don’t wear glasses myself, but I can see how they’d be helpful for some folks.

So, if you’re thinking about using these tarot cards, especially this Judgement reversed tarot, just remember what I said. It is a no. Upright is a yes. Reversed is a no. Simple as that. Don’t overthink it. And don’t let it rule your life. It’s just a tool, like a hammer or a saw. Use it if it helps, but don’t let it use you. You hear me?
Life’s a journey, ain’t it? Full of twists and turns, ups and downs. You never know what’s around the corner. But that’s what makes it exciting, don’t you think? If we knew everything that was gonna happen, it’d be pretty boring. These cards will not tell you what will happen. They can just help you make some decisions. But ultimately, you are the one who decides.
So go on, live your life. Make your choices. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. That’s how we learn, ain’t it? By falling down and getting back up again. And if you need a little help along the way, well, maybe these tarot cards can give you a nudge in the right direction. Just remember what I said about that Judgement reversed tarot. You understand?
Original article by the Author:yixunnet,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly: