Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s talk about gettin’ them computer words onto a paper, or, you know, a file, whatever them young’uns call it these days. We gonna make it look all pretty too, with them colors and all.
See, sometimes when you’re fiddlin’ with them computer thingamajigs, stuff scrolls by real fast. Too fast for these old eyes, I tell ya! And sometimes it’s got colors, like red for somethin’ important, maybe a mistake or somethin’. So, how do you keep it? How do you catch them words and their pretty colors so you can look at ’em later, maybe show ’em to your grandson who knows all about this here computer stuff?

First off, you gotta get yourself some tools. Think of it like bakin’ a pie. You need flour, sugar, and apples, right? Well, for this computer stuff, you need some special words. On that Ubuntu thing, you gotta get somethin’ called “bsdutils.” Don’t ask me what it means, it just works. It’s like gettin’ the right kinda pan for your pie. You just go and “install” it. Ask your grandson how, he’ll know.
Now, once you got your tools, you can start catchin’ them words. There’s this word, “script.” It’s like tellin’ a story, but to the computer. You tell it, “Hey, computer, I wanna catch what you’re sayin’.” And then you tell it what you wanna catch. Like, say you wanna see what’s in a folder. You know, like a drawer in your kitchen, but for computer stuff. You’d say somethin’ like “ls –color=always /tmp/t”. That “ls” thingy, that’s like openin’ the drawer and lookin’ inside. And that “–color=always”, well, that’s like sayin’, “Show me all the pretty colors, don’t be shy!”. And that “/tmp/t”, that’s just the name of the drawer, don’t you worry about it too much.
Then you gotta tell it where to put all them words. You give it a name, like “my_pretty_*”. It’s like labelin’ your jam jars. You gotta know what’s in ’em, right? So, you put it all together, somethin’ like “script -q -c ‘ls –color=always /tmp/t’ my_pretty_*”. And bam! All them words and colors, they go right into that file. Just like pourin’ hot jam into a jar.
- Important Note: That “-q” thing just means “be quiet,” computer, don’t bother me with your chatter. And “-c” means, just do this one thing and then stop, don’t go wanderin’ off doin’ other stuff.
Now, sometimes them words ain’t enough. Sometimes you want somethin’ fancier, like a picture book instead of just words on a page. That’s where this “kbtin” thing comes in. It makes a nice, clean “HTML file.” Think of it like takin’ your words and makin’ ’em into a website. Again, ask your grandson how to get it and how to use it. It’s a bit more complicated, like makin’ a fancy layer cake instead of a simple pie.
But what if you don’t need all the colors? What if you just want the words, plain and simple? Well, you can do that too. There’s ways to “pipe” them words, like sendin’ water through a hose. You can send them to the screen, so you can see ‘em right there and then. And you can send them to a file, so you can save them for later. And you can even do both at the same time! It’s like waterin’ your garden and fillin’ up a bucket at the same time.

This here “tee” word is real handy for that. It’s like a splitter for your water hose. You send the water in one end, and it comes out two ends. One goes to the screen, and one goes to the file. Or maybe you don’t want all that fancy color stuff, you can tell it to strip off the colors. That’s like pickin’ the apples off the tree but leavin’ the leaves behind.
And then there’s this “tail” word. It’s real useful for lookin’ at them big long files, like the ones them computers make when they’re doin’ their thing. You don’t wanna read the whole thing, right? Just the last bit. It’s like readin’ the last page of a book to see how it ends. And you can even tell it to show you the important stuff in red. That way, you know right away if somethin’s wrong.
This here “grep” word is another handy one. It’s like lookin’ for a needle in a haystack, but for words. You tell it what word you’re lookin’ for, and it finds it for you. And it can show you the whole line, so you can see what’s around it. And guess what? You can make it show the important stuff in colors too!
And lastly, this “STL” thing. It ain’t about words, really. It’s about shapes, like them 3D printers make. It’s a whole ‘nother story, like buildin’ a birdhouse instead of bakin’ a pie. But it’s all part of this computer world, you see. Lots of different ways to make things, lots of different ways to save things, lots of different ways to show things.
So, there you have it. A little bit about gettin’ them computer words onto a paper, or a file, or whatever you wanna call it. It ain’t so hard once you get the hang of it. Just remember to get your tools, tell the computer what you want, and tell it where to put it. And don’t be afraid to ask for help from them young’uns, they know all about this stuff. Now go on and give it a try. And don’t forget to save your work! It’s like puttin’ the lid on your jam jar, keeps everything safe and sound.

Original article by the Author:Simo,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.suntrekenergy.com/4331.html