Alright, let’s yak about this orca thing, the orca totem, you know? Folks say it means stuff, important stuff.
First off, they say orcas are smart. Real smart. Smarter than my old rooster, that’s for sure. And they talk to each other, just like us hens in the henhouse, clucking away, but I reckon they use sounds we can’t even hear. These orcas, they got their own way of chattin’, like a secret language. Makes you wonder what they’re gossiping about, eh? Maybe about who caught the biggest fish, or whose calf is the naughtiest.

- Smart fellers, these orcas.
- They talk, but not like us.
Now, some folks, the shaman types, they say the orca knows about love. Romantic love, the kind you see in them soap operas on TV. Not that I watch them much, too busy with the chickens and all. But yeah, the orca, it supposedly knows how to keep the fire burning, keep a fella happy for a long, long time. They also say orcas know about living a long life, and not just bickerin’ and squabblin’ all the time, but gettin’ along, you know? Like a big, happy family, even if that family is a bunch of fish-eatin’ whales.
And speaking of family, that’s another big thing with the orca totem. They stick together, these whales. Like a pack of dogs, only wetter. They raise their young’uns together, protect each other, and they stay together for their whole lives, most of ‘em. It’s kinda like my old hens, always clucking around together, looking out for each other, making sure no sneaky fox gets in the henhouse. Family and community, that’s what the orca is all about. They say the orca even protects folks who travel, keeps ‘em safe and brings ‘em home. That’s mighty kind of them, seein’ as they could probably swallow you whole if they wanted to.
The orca, they call it the “Wolf of the Seas”. Now, I ain’t never seen a wolf, not in real life, but I seen pictures. They look kinda fierce, and I reckon the orca is too, being a top dog… or top whale, I should say, in the ocean. But it ain’t just about bein’ tough. The orca, it’s also about creativity, like making fancy quilts or something. And loyalty, like a good dog who always comes when you call. And skill, like knowing how to catch a fish with just your teeth. They say money ain’t everything to the orca. It’s about having a good life, being happy, and having folks around you that you care about.
Some fancy folks, they gave the orca a big ol’ name, Orcinus orca. Sounds like somethin’ you’d hear in church. But get this, part of that name means “of the kingdom of the dead”. Spooky, right? Maybe that’s why they say the orca knows about long life, because it’s seen it all, from life to death and back again. Who knows? These things are hard to understand, like why the rooster crows at 4 in the morning.
Then there’s the water thing. Orcas live in water, obviously. But some folks say water means flow, like a river, or ease, like floatin’ on your back in a pond on a hot summer day. The orca, it reminds you to just let go, go with the flow, don’t fight the current. That’s good advice, I reckon, especially when things get tough. Like when the price of chicken feed goes up, or when the well runs dry. You just gotta roll with the punches, just like the orca rolls through the waves.

So, what’s this all mean? Well, if you got the orca as your totem, I reckon it means you’re supposed to be smart, loyal, creative, and good to your family and friends. You’re supposed to value love and harmony, and not just money. And you’re supposed to protect the folks you care about, and help them find their way home. You also need to learn how to let go of things, and not get all riled up when things don’t go your way. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll live a long, happy life, full of fish and fun, just like an orca. Though, I personally prefer chicken to fish any day, so maybe I’ll live a long, happy life full of eggs. Yeah, that sounds about right.
Anyway, that’s what I heard about the orca totem. Take it or leave it, it’s just a bunch of stories, really. But sometimes, stories can teach you a thing or two, even if they’re about whales. And sometimes, a good story is just as satisfying as a warm cup of tea on a cold mornin’. So there you have it.
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