Well, hello there, everyone! Let’s talk about this… tarot thingy, the “tarot si y no los arcanos,” whatever that means. Sounds fancy, don’t it? But don’t you worry, I’ll make it plain as day, just like Ma used to make biscuits.
So, you got questions, right? Everybody’s got questions. “Should I plant them tomatoes now?” or “Is that fella gonna call me back?” Stuff like that. And this tarot, it’s supposed to give you a yes or no. Like, a straight answer, not all that wishy-washy stuff the fortune teller down the road used to give.

Now, some folks say it’s simple. Real simple. You ask a question, and you pull a card. That’s it. If the card looks happy-like, all sunshine and flowers, then it’s a yes. If it looks all gloomy and upside down, then it’s a no. Easy peasy, right?
- Happy card? Yes!
- Sad card? No!
But, you know, life ain’t always that simple. Sometimes you gotta dig a little deeper, like when you’re lookin’ for worms for fishin’. So, some folks, they pull more cards. Maybe three. Why three? I dunno, maybe three’s lucky. Or maybe it’s just because it gives you more to look at.
So, if you pull three cards and most of them look happy, then it’s a yes. If most look sad, then it’s a no. And if you got some happy and some sad, well, that’s where it gets tricky. Maybe it means “maybe,” or maybe it means you gotta ask a different question. Or maybe it just means them cards are confused, just like me when I try to figure out them newfangled phones.
This “arcanos” part, that’s just the fancy word for the cards, I reckon. Each card has a picture and a story, but for this yes or no thing, you don’t gotta know all that. You just gotta look at the picture and feel it in your gut. Like, does it make you feel good or bad? That’s all there is to it, see? Trust your gut, that’s what I always say.
Some folks, they get all fancy about it. They talk about “positive energy” and “negative energy,” and “balancing the answers.” Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me. But if it helps them, that’s fine and dandy. Me, I just look at the picture. If it looks like somethin’ good, then it’s good. If it looks like a storm brewin’, then it’s bad.

There’s different ways to do this tarot yes or no thing, I hear. Some folks lay the cards out in a line, some in a circle. Some folks even close their eyes when they pick a card. I say, do what feels right to you. There ain’t no right or wrong way, just like there ain’t no right or wrong way to make a stew, as long as it tastes good in the end.
And remember, this tarot thing, it’s just a guide. It ain’t gonna tell you the future for sure. It’s like lookin’ at the weather vane. It can tell you which way the wind is blowin’, but it can’t tell you if it’s gonna rain. You still gotta use your own common sense, like Ma used to say, “God gave you a brain, use it!”
So, if you’re lookin’ for a quick answer, this tarot si y no thing might be just the ticket. Just ask your question, pull a card, and see what it says. But don’t go bettin’ the farm on it, alright? It’s just a bit of fun, and maybe, just maybe, it’ll give you a little nudge in the right direction. And if it don’t, well, you ain’t lost nothin’ but a few minutes of your time.
So, to recap, here’s the gist of it:
- Think of a yes or no question.
- Shuffle them cards (or don’t, whatever you like).
- Pick a card (or three, if you’re feelin’ fancy).
- Look at the card. Does it feel good or bad?
- That’s your answer! Yes or no. Simple as that.
Now, go on and try it yourself. And don’t forget, trust your gut. It’s usually right, even if them fancy cards try to tell you different. And if you still don’t know what to do, well, just do what feels right in your heart, that’s what I always say.

Original article by the Author:Simo,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.suntrekenergy.com/4109.html