Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s talk about them tarot cards, shall we? Folks always gabbing ’bout which card’s theirs, like it’s some kinda birthmark. Me, I just say, “Cards is cards,” but I reckon some folks get a kick outta figurin’ this stuff out. So, if you’re one of them, let’s get down to it.
Now, this here tarot card quiz thing, it ain’t rocket science. Don’t need no fancy degrees or nothin’. Just gotta answer some questions, honest-like, and see what pops up. It’s like them personality tests in the magazines, only with pictures of folks in funny clothes.

- First off, what kinda day person are you? Are you up with the chickens, chirpin’ and ready to go? Or do you like to sleep in till the cows come home? That’s important, see, ’cause some cards like the sunshine and some like the moonlight.
- Next, what gets you riled up? A messy house? Folks cheatin’ you? Or maybe just a bad hair day? The cards, they pick up on that stuff, you know. They see what makes you tick.
- And what makes you happy as a pig in mud? A good home-cooked meal? Spendin’ time with your loved ones? Or maybe just findin’ a twenty-dollar bill in your old coat pocket? Happiness is important, too, even for them cards.
So you answer these questions, and then the quiz thingy-ma-jig does its work. I ain’t quite sure how it figures it all out, but it spits out a card at the end. And that card, they say, is your personality card.
Now, some folks say there’s different ways to find your card. Like, they take your birthday numbers and add ’em all up. Say you was born on September 25, 1985. You’d go 9+2+5+1+9+8+9, and that’s 43. Then you add 4+3, and you get 7. If the number’s small, like under 22, that’s your card. If it’s bigger, you gotta add them digits again. Kinda like addin’ up the grocery bill, only with more magic and less beans.
But this here quiz, it’s different. It asks you about how you act, how you feel, what you like and don’t like. It tries to get a feel for who you are on the inside. And that, to me, seems like a better way to figure out which card’s yours. ‘Cause numbers is numbers, but how you act is who you are.
So what happens when you get your card? Well, then you gotta look it up. Each card has a meanin’, you see. Some mean you’re a strong leader, some mean you’re a kind soul, some mean you’re a bit of a wild card. It’s like readin’ tea leaves, only with prettier pictures. And it’s important to remember, this ain’t no fortune tellin’. It’s more like a mirror, showin’ you what’s already inside. Tarot card reading ain’t gonna tell you the lottery numbers, but it might tell you something about yourself you didn’t know before.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ I believe in all this hocus pocus. But I reckon it’s harmless fun. And if it helps folks understand themselves a little better, then what’s the harm? So go on, take that tarot quiz. See what card you get. Maybe you’ll learn somethin’, maybe you won’t. But at least you’ll have somethin’ to talk about at the next potluck supper.

And remember, y’all, the cards are just cards. They ain’t got no power over you. The real power is inside you, waitin’ to be discovered. Maybe the tarot can help you find it, maybe not. But it’s worth a shot, ain’t it?
So, there you have it. My two cents on this here tarot card personality quiz. Take it with a grain of salt, and don’t go sellin’ the farm just ‘cause a card told you to. Life’s too short for that kinda nonsense. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on them chickens.
And one last thing, don’t go gettin’ your knickers in a twist if you don’t like the card you get. It ain’t set in stone, you know. You can always change, always grow. Just like them weeds in the garden, you gotta keep pullin’ ‘em out if you want somethin’ beautiful to grow. The cards, they just give you a place to start. It’s up to you to decide where you go from there.
So go on, give that quiz a try. Find your tarot card and see what it says about you. It might be fun, it might be insightful, and it might just be a whole lot of hooey. But hey, at least you’ll have a story to tell.
Original article by the Author:Colin,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.suntrekenergy.com/4072.html