Alright, let’s chew the fat about this fly thing, you know, the one they call “fly totem.” Don’t get your knickers in a twist, it ain’t as fancy as it sounds. It’s just about them little buzzing critters, flies, and what they might mean if you’re thinking of getting one stuck on ya, like a tattoo or somethin’. I ain’t got no tattoos myself, mind you. Needles ain’t my cup of tea. But these young folks, they like all sorts of things.
Now, first things first, flies ain’t exactly pretty, are they? They buzz around garbage, land on your food… pesky little things. But hold your horses, there’s more to ‘em than meets the eye, or so they say. Some folks reckon flies mean somethin’ special. They say flies are tough, survivors you know? They can live just about anywhere. Think about it, they’re always buzzin’ around, no matter what. Maybe that’s why some people like ‘em.

- Survival and Adaptability: Flies can live in all sorts of nasty places and still thrive. They eat anything and everything. So, if you see a fly, maybe it’s a reminder to be tough, to keep going even when things are hard. You gotta hustle, just like a fly, to get by.
- Transformation and Change: Flies go through big changes in their lives, from them maggot things to buzzing adults. Some say that’s like changing yourself, growing up, becoming somethin’ new. Maybe you’re thinking of changing your life, starting a new job, or leaving that good-for-nothin’ husband, who knows.
- Quickness and Agility: Flies are fast, ain’t they? Hard to swat ‘em! So, maybe a fly means you gotta be quick on your feet, gotta think fast, gotta make decisions quick-like. Don’t dilly-dally, get things done.
Now, if you’re set on getting a fly tattoo, don’t just jump into it like a chicken with its head cut off. Think about it first. What kind of fly you want? A big one? A little one? A whole swarm of ‘em? And where you gonna put it? On your arm? Your leg? Your… well, never mind. You get the picture. Some folks like fancy designs, with swirls and twirls and whatnot. Me? I’d say keep it simple. A fly is a fly, ain’t it?
And remember, tattoos are forever, or at least a long, long time. So, make sure you really want that fly on you. Don’t just get it because it’s trendy or because your friends have ‘em. You gotta like it, you gotta own it. It’s your body, your fly.
Before you go and get yourself all inked up, try drawing it first. Yeah, get yourself a piece of paper and a pencil, and doodle around. See if you even like the way it looks. Try different sizes, different shapes. Maybe you want a realistic fly, all them little legs and wings and such. Or maybe you want somethin’ more cartoony, more fun. It’s up to you. Don’t let nobody tell you what kind of fly to get. And for goodness sake, find a good tattoo fella, a clean one. You don’t want to catch somethin’ nasty.
And think about what you want that fly to say about you. Do you want it to mean you’re tough? That you can handle anything life throws at you? Or maybe you want it to remind you to stay quick, to stay alert, to always be ready for anything. Or maybe, it just means you really like flies. And ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.
This here fly totem thing, it ain’t some magic spell. It’s just a way of thinkin’ about things, a way of lookin’ at the world. And if a fly helps you make sense of things, well, then more power to you. But don’t go thinkin’ a fly tattoo is gonna solve all your problems. Life ain’t that easy. You still gotta work hard, you still gotta be kind, you still gotta put food on the table, and you gotta keep that darn fly tattoo clean, or it’ll get infected and then you’ll really be in a pickle.

So, there you have it. That’s my two cents on this fly business. Now, go on and do what you gotta do. And if you do end up gettin’ that fly tattoo, well, I hope it brings you good luck, or whatever it is you’re lookin’ for. But remember what I told you, think before you ink. It’s your skin, after all. And for goodness sake, don’t blame me if you end up regrettin’ it. I told you what I thought, and that’s all I can do.
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