Alright, listen up, y’all. Gonna tell ya ’bout them shaman runes in this here World of Warcraft thingy. My grandkids, they play it all the time. Talkin’ ’bout storm this and fire that. Confusin’ as all get out, but I reckon I figured some things out listenin’ to ’em yap.
So, you wanna be a shaman, huh? Big deal. Gotta get yourself some runes, they say. These here runes, they give you powers. Like makin’ it rain or somethin’. Not real rain, mind you. Just in the game. Silly, I tell ya.

First off, let’s talk about this here Storm, Earth, and Fire Rune. Sounds mighty powerful, don’t it? Well, you gotta go to this place called Felwood. Up north, they say. Sounds spooky to me, full of dead trees and such. You gotta find these Deadwood Shaman fellas. Mean lookin’ bunch, I bet. And you gotta kill ’em. Yeah, kill ’em. Till they drop the rune. That’s how it works in this game, seems like. Kill, kill, kill. Then you get stuff. Don’t make no sense to me, but that’s what they do. /way 62 10, they say. That’s where them fellas hang out. Just go there and start whacking ‘em.
Then there’s other runes too, you know. Lots of ’em. For different kinds of shamans, I guess. Some for makin’ you better at healin’, some for doin’ more damage. It’s all a big jumble to me, but my grandkids, they know it all. They talk about Warlocks too. Got their own runes, them fellas. Always competin’, seems like. Whose got the best runes, whose got the best powers. Kids these days!
- Important stuff: You gotta be the right level to get these runes, see? Can’t just go waltzing in there as a little newbie. Gotta toughen up first. And some runes, they’re hidden better than others. Like a squirrel hidin’ nuts, I tell ya. You gotta search high and low, near trees and rocks, in caves and such. Takes a lot of patience, which I ain’t got much of, let me tell ya.
- More important stuff: Sometimes, you gotta do more than just killin’. Sometimes you gotta do a little quest. Runnin’ errands for some lazy bum in the game, that’s what it is. “Go fetch me this, go kill me that.” Always somethin’. But I guess that’s how you prove you’re worthy of the rune. Like you’re proving you’re good enough for them powers. Silly, I say, but that’s the game.
- Even more important stuff: Don’t go forgettin’ to equip the rune once you get it! Sounds dumb, but you’d be surprised. Kids get so excited they forget the simplest things. Gotta put that rune on, just like puttin’ on a new pair of shoes. Then you can use the power, see? Then you can make it storm or whatever it is you shamans do.
My grandkids, they’re always lookin’ up guides online. These guides tell you where to find everything. Cheat sheets, I call ’em. But they say it saves time. Time for what? More killin’ and lootin’, I reckon. This guide, they said somethin’ about WoW Classic SoD. Season of Discovery, they call it. Sounds fancy. Guess it’s a new way to play the game. New runes, maybe? New places to kill things? I wouldn’t know, too much for my old brain to handle. They just keep changin’ things, keep addin’ new stuff. Can’t keep up, I tell ya. Just when you think you understand it, they go and change everything around.
So that’s the gist of it, as best as I can tell. You want them shaman runes, you gotta work for it. You gotta kill, you gotta quest, you gotta search. And you gotta be the right level, don’t forget that. And if you get stuck, well, just ask one of them young’uns. They know more than they let on, that’s for sure. Always got their noses stuck in them screens, but I guess it ain’t all bad. At least they’re not out causin’ trouble… mostly.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about killin’ and runes has made me hungry. And I ain’t got no magic powers to make it appear, I gotta do it the old-fashioned way. With my own two hands. That’s the real magic, if you ask me.

Anyways, good luck findin’ them runes, y’all. And don’t go gettin’ yourselves killed out there in that virtual world. It ain’t real, but it sure seems real to them kids.
Tags: [wow classic, sod, shaman runes, storm earth fire rune, felwood, deadwood shaman, warlock runes, season of discovery, rune locations, wow guide]
Original article by the Author:yixunnet,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly: