Joanne Scribes Angel Numbers: Decoding Their Meanings for You
Well, hey there. Let’s talk about these angel numbers, ya know? Folks keep jabberin’ about ‘em, so I figured I’d give it a whirl. Don’t rightly know what a “scribe” is, but this Joanne lady, she seems to know her stuff about these numbers.
Now, what are these angel numbers anyway? Seems like they’re just regular numbers, but they show up all the time, like you keep seein’ 11:11 on the clock or 333 on a license plate. These angels, they’re tryin’ to tell you somethin’, or so they say. Me? I just thought the clock was broken half the time.

Joanne, she says these numbers got meanings. Like, if you keep seein’ 1212, she says it means you gotta stay focused on what you really want. Makes sense, I guess. If you want a good crop, you gotta keep your mind on plantin’ and weedin’, not chasin’ after them city slicker fellas.
- 1212: Stay focused, work hard.
- 3462: Be kind and carin’, that’s what I always say. Treat folks right, and things’ll work out.
- 4353: Now this one, Joanne says it’s somethin’ about God and Jesus. Well, I always say, be good, do good, and pray for the best. That’s all you can do.
Seems like every number’s got a story. It’s like them city folks with their fancy books and all. But these numbers, they’re speakin’ a different language, a language of the angels. Or so they say.
Now, Joanne, she’s got a whole heap of numbers she talks about. She says these angel messages come from, well, angels. Guardian angels, she calls ‘em. Like little helpers watchin’ over you. My old granny used to say somethin’ similar, but she called ‘em spirits. Guess they’re the same thing, just different names.
And it ain’t just about lookin’ at the clock. These numbers can show up anywhere. On receipts, on houses, even in your dreams, if you’re one of them dreamin’ types. I ain’t, myself. Sleep like a log, I do.
So, how do you figure out what these numbers mean? Well, Joanne, she’s got it all written down, apparently. You just gotta look it up. But I figure it’s more than just readin’ a book. You gotta listen to your heart, too. What’s that little voice inside tellin’ you? That’s important.

And don’t go gettin’ all worked up if you don’t see these numbers right away. Some folks see ‘em all the time, some don’t. It don’t mean nothin’ bad if you ain’t seein’ ‘em. Just means maybe the angels ain’t got nothin’ special to say to you right now. Or maybe they’re whisperin’, and you ain’t listenin’ close enough.
This Joanne lady, she seems like a smart cookie. Talkin’ about universal energies and all that. Sounds like a lot of fancy talk, but I reckon it just means there’s more to this world than what we see. And maybe these numbers, they’re just a little peek behind the curtain. A little whisper from somethin’ bigger than us.
So, next time you see a number repeated, don’t just brush it off. Maybe it’s somethin’ more. Maybe it’s your angel tryin’ to get your attention. And if you don’t know what it means, well, there’s folks like Joanne who can help you out. Or you can just ask your granny. She probably knows a thing or two.
Anyways, that’s all I got to say about these angel numbers. Take it or leave it, as they say. Just remember to be kind, work hard, and keep your eyes peeled. You never know what you might see.
And don’t forget to listen to that little voice inside. It’s usually right.

Tags: [Angel Numbers, Joanne Sacred Scribes, Spiritual Guidance, Angel Messages, Numerology, Divine Messages, Repeating Numbers]
Original article by the Author:yixunnet,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly: