Well now, you ever thought about your birthday, and how it might have some kinda special meaning? Like, there’s this thing called Tarot cards, and they can tell ya somethin’ about your life, y’know? You take your birth date, and somehow it all matches up with a Tarot card that’s special just for you. It’s like the cards are talkin’ to ya, telling ya what kinda lessons you gotta learn in life. So, let’s sit down and chat about how to figure this whole Tarot birthday thing out, alright?
First thing’s first, you gotta take your birth month and the day you were born. Then, you add them up together with the year you were born, like, the whole year number. After that, if the number’s too big, like over 22, you add the digits together until you get a smaller number. The card that matches that number is your special Tarot card. For example, if you end up with 22, that’d be The Fool card, and that one’s all about new beginnings, like you’re starting a new chapter in your life.

Now, don’t go thinkin’ this is just some silly game. No, sir. The Tarot card that matches your birthday’s got real meaning. It tells ya a lot about the kinda person you are, what you’re good at, and what lessons you need to learn in this life. Take The Hermit card, for instance. If that one shows up in your Tarot reading, it means you’ve got a lot to learn about bein’ alone, thinkin’ for yourself, and maybe slowin’ down a bit. It ain’t always about runnin’ around with folks. Sometimes, you need to be by yourself to figure things out.
So, how do you figure out your special card? Here’s how:
- Take your birth month (let’s say it’s March).
- Then, add the day you were born (say it’s the 12th).
- Next, add the year you were born, but just the first two digits and the last two digits. (So, if you were born in 1975, you’d use 19 and 75).
- Now, add up all those numbers. If it’s more than 22, keep adding the digits together until you get a number that’s 22 or less.
That number you get matches up with one of the Tarot Major Arcana cards. So, say you get the number 19, well, that’d be The Sun card. The Sun card means happiness, positivity, and success. It’s a good card to have, like when things are lookin’ bright and you’re feelin’ good about life. But, if you get something like the number 13, that’s Death card. Don’t go gettin’ scared, though! It ain’t about actual death; it’s more about transformation and letting go of things that no longer serve you. It’s like a fresh start.
Tarot birthday readings are a real nice way to look back on how far you’ve come in life. You can think about all them years, all the things you’ve learned, and then, look ahead to the next 12 months. What kind of lessons do ya need to learn? What’s the universe tryin’ to tell ya? Maybe this year, it’s time to be more like The Chariot, stayin’ determined and movin’ forward no matter what. Or maybe it’s time to rest and reflect, like The Hanged Man.
It ain’t all serious though. It’s just a fun way to connect with yourself and think about where you’re goin’. Each card has a little bit of wisdom to offer, and sometimes we all need a little reminder of where we’re at or where we’re headin’. So, take a moment next time it’s your birthday to look up your Tarot card. Who knows? It might just give you the nudge you need for the year ahead.

And don’t go forgettin’, your Tarot card is there to help guide ya. It’s like a little mirror, reflectin’ back at ya and sayin’, “Hey, this is where you’re at, and this is where you might wanna go.” So go ahead, try it out, see what your card says. It’s a fun way to celebrate another year under the sun!
Tags:[Tarot, Tarot Card Birthday, Tarot Cards, Major Arcana, Birthday Tarot, Birth Card, Tarot Reading, The Fool, The Hermit, The Sun, The Chariot, Tarot Birth Card Meaning]
Original article by the Author:Colin,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.suntrekenergy.com/1332.html